
What Makes Your Day?

Spiffy Here!

We all have certain things in life that make our day that much better no matter how the situation of the day is going bad/good. So in this particular Blog you can post four things in life that makes your day that much better, and you can even give it a life style title. For example my day would be 200% awesome if it included these 4 items.

Sex + Eggnog + Cheesecake + "Cat-Nap"

In no particular order by the way lol, but if you have an order to your items thats cool.

YES! i know this might be a weird comboniation, but its SOooo GOOD!

I call this the "Creamie Satisfaction" life style for obvious reasons.


Los said...

what happened to the french toast you used to eat everyday after highscool?!

Spiffymik said...

Indeed the french toast was good, but it was not instant pleasure; I had to take time and make them. where as sex can just happen on a given day/night like that etc., buy eggnogg&cheesecake from the store and you can take a relaxing "cat-nap" anytime.

Los said...

hahahaha yeah it can happen if you got a girl or a skeezer, whichever. and its if shes in the mood lol and eggnog? come on bro. your sounding like a white catholic family lol and yeah i forgot about the cheesecake, how do we go go kart racing, and then after you wanna eat cheesecake. i guess you had to eat away that embarassing loss.

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